Happy Birthday!!!

It's hubby's birthday today - 16 July.

Last week I planned to take today off and spend it with my other half. But I supposed my work overshadowed the thought that until yesterday I still hadn't filled in the leave form. I guess it's too late now but hey, it's the thought that counts....

I have to tell you that I never failed to take leaves on my hubby's birthdays. I'm beginning to feel bad about this since this is the first time in years that I do not take the day off. How should I make it up to him? Perhaps, I'll take half-day off tomorrow and spend time with him by going to the movies..he's been hinting about the latest Batman movie - The Dark Knight -.....yup, that's the best option so far....I just hope that he's okay with the idea, well, he's been okay all these years, there shouldn't be any reasons why this time he should say that it's not okay...haha...

Before I sign off, I would like to wish him Happy Birthday and I highly appreciate his patience and understanding all these years that we're together and likewise, a year older is a year wiser.....


test said…
love u.

dark knight
u can always count on me....
amboi, mention jer nak gi tgk Dark Knight terus sign as one....
Shera said…
Happy birthday Dikny's better half.....
tq, shera....(on his behalf)...heheh
jabishah said…
2 dates that we share... july 16th our hubbies' biorthday & march 9th Yasmin's birhday & my engagement also your wedding anniversary!
So, did you take the day off yesterday? Pergi mana?
ye la....byknyer things that we share on the same dates....what a coincidence,kan....
fyi, i didn't take the day off yesterday but went to watch batman - the dark knight at night and brought along the whole troop...hahahha....kecoh!!

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