I Was Tagged!!!

As I was reading a blog of a good friend of mine, Jellyna, I noticed that I was tagged by her!!! So, to take the challenge, here goes....

It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people.
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
They have to be real; nothing made up!
If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers.
You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

Have Fun!! Don't Forget to post it...!!

1. What is your name : Lizamurni
2. four Letter Word : Love
3. A boy's Name : Lutfi
4. A girl's Name : Laila
5. An occupation : Lecturer
6. A color : Lilac
7. Something you'll wear : Loafers
8. A food : Lasagna
9. Something found in the bathroom : Listerine
10. A place : London
11. A reason for being late : Lazy
12. Something you'd shout : Liar!!!
13. A movie title : Layar Lara
14. Something you drink : Lemon tea
15. A musical group : Linkin Park
16. An animal : Leopard
17. A street name : Ledang Street (my in-law's house)
18. A type of car : Lamborghini
19. The title of a song : Lambada

That's it...at last, I'm done with the list. Took me a while to complete it all.

Now, I need to tag 20 people, hmmm, tricky, tricky...
1. Boja
2. Hazel
3. Mummy Ryan
4. Nita
5. Seniman Jalanan
6. Jellyna (ha! kena buat list lagi)
7. Puteq
8. Ila
9. Hafizi
10. Shahrul
11. Shukor
12. Sandora
13. Dr Izety
14. Dalila
15. Ainnur
16. Shida
17. Lubna
18. Shahid
19. MrManager
20. Siti Amirah

To the names that I've tagged, do take up the challenge ok...


jellynajal said…
arghh, tidakkk!! hehehe
Anonymous said…
Kak liza....
here i come!!!

1. What is your name : Siti Amirah
2. four Letter Word : Song
3. A boy's Name : Saiful
4. A girl's Name : Syamimi
5. An occupation : Senator
6. A color : Silver
7. Something you'll wear : Socks
8. A food : Spaghetti
9. Something found in the bathroom : Soap
10. A place : Sweeden
11. A reason for being late : Sick
12. Something you'd shout : Sorry!!!
13. A movie title : Shrek
14. Something you drink : Sarsaparilla
15. A musical group : Scorpion
16. An animal : Squid
17. A street name : Singapore Street (somewhere in Seremban)
18. A type of car : Skoda
19. The title of a song : Sorry seems to be the hardest word (huh!)

terserlah kecekapanku...hihihi

oh yes....hahhahaaa...but terer jugak awak coz berjaya come up with new words for your name...caya la....tapi pandai eh, tag K Liza lagi sekali...takpe, takpe....

Ya betul, sungguh terserlah kecekapanmu....suka la kat awak...tq, tq...

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