Freedom....I Won't Let You Down

I spent my days recently reading other people's blogs. People whom I know and also those whom I do not know at all. That's the beauty of it - blogging makes you explore what other people all around the world think and feel. Many people have their own blogs nowadays. They called it the 'in' thing.

I started blogging since 2004. At that time, blog was not too widely-known. I got to know about blog accidentally when I was busy reading an interesting thread in a local forum community. I began exploring and I signed up after being extremely curious about it. I noticed that people treated blogs as their journals or diaries at that time. So, I did the same. My blog was used to pour out my feelings and my opinion on things that I encountered during the day. I blogged everyday back then without fail but as usual, after a while, I began to ignore my blog and only posted entries whenever I felt like it.

Now, blogging has become a lifestyle. If you do not blog, you are not updating yourself, so they say.

Yesterday, I came across a blog written by someone who mentioned that he/she had already posted 100 entries and she only started blogging a year ago. What??? I started blogging 5 years ago and I only had 76 entries? That shows how much blogging has become a part of someone's life.

My good friend, Ja, posted her 100th entry last year (she's not the person that I mentioned earlier). I am a fan of her blog and I read her blog everyday. The first thing that I do everytime when I turn on my laptop, I would automatically click on her blog. I enjoy reading about her daughters, her cookings and her holidays. But she too started blogging after me....well, I guess again, time has overshadowed everything....

However, I'll be up and about blogging again because soon I'll be a fulltime homemaker. Yes, this is the decision that I've been wanting to make long since.

I hope now that I'm not going to work fulltime, I'll be able to make it up to my children for the times that I have missed spending with them. I'm going to allocate more time for my children and family. I'll be right by their sides whenever they need me. They do not have to wait up for me every day anymore, waiting for me to come home from work. They do not have to suffer from sickness for too long anymore whenever they are not feeling well because I'll be available to take them to see the doctor anytime now. They do not have to keep to themselves whatever it is that they want to share with me because I'll be around for them most of the time now....and I can't wait to look at Danish's expression when he sees that I'll be the one who's waiting for him at the school gate after school every day now and not his Grandpa anymore.....

Yes, no doubt I'll be happier now since this is what I've been looking for all this while....having the freedom to do my own things, the freedom of time, the freedom of making decisions and changing them whenever I wish to, the freedom to go anywhere anytime of the day and gosh! the list is endless...

So, Dikny, all the best to you!!!!!


Nita said…
hi dikny. i was working for over 10years before i decided to quit my job which i love. it took me months to decide. but once decided, i never looked back. caring for your loved ones and seeing them grow infront of u, are something that cant be repalced. u're gonna love it, i'm sure. all the best!
hi there Nita,

tq for the support.
it also took me months to finally decide to quit after 11 years of working...i know it's gonna be worth it, tq again...
hazel said…
Hiya Dikny!

I'm so happy for you!!! No all wives & mothers have this opportunity...

I wish you all the best and I do hope that you can be the best of what you want to be.

Do drop by my place whenever you go back to Tiram ok...

Miss you lots!


Tq for the support.
You know me well enough, in fact, too well, to understand the whole process...hahahaha...

I'll drop by your house for sure next time around.

And I miss you lots too!!!!

ps: bila kita nak pegi fish spa ni?

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