8 Years Already...

Yup, it's our 8th anniversary. So glad that we've made it this far....there have been ups and downs no doubt. Last year was the most challenging and yet, we've braved through it successfully, Alhamdulillah...

Everything that happened had happened for a reason, I was sure of that. I've become more tolerant and more understanding now. I wish to be tougher and stronger in facing the many more years to come with my better half, there would definitely be more challenging encounters in the months and years ahead. But, heck, I'm going to face it all no matter what, InsyaAllah.

To my hubby,
Congratulations darling, we've come a long way and I love you.

To my little heroes,
Papa and Mama would always be together for you and be there whenever you need us. Love you all.


Anonymous said…
happy anniversary and love u
jabishah said…
Congrats you both! But true still a looong way to go. With love, patience & understanding you will breeze it through. Ameen..
shahid said…

congratulations and have a blast on your 8th anniversary. may Allah bless your family always :)
happy anniversary and i love u too

Did u notice that u wished me at 3 different places on the net today? hhihihi...tq so much, Ja....

tq dear...still got a long way to go anyway...
Nita said…
Dear Liza,

Congrats & happy 8th wedding anniversary to both of you. U've made it this far. There will be many many years of happiness to come, Insya'Allah. Org kata the first few years are the toughest. Be strong and always put a smile on your face (a reminder for myself too!). Take care, dear..

Tq so much....take care
Mummy Ryan said…
Kak Liza..Hepi ANNIVERSARY!!! May god bless you n your family...setiap apa yg berlaku ada HIKMAHNYA.....friendshiap 4eva!!!
Mummy Ryan said…
alamak wrong spelling..friendship 4eva..hehehe
jellynajal said…
hepi enebeseri kak liza!!
Mummy Ryan,


Invite la K Liza tgk blog awak....

take care...

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