Late and Wait

Dear readers,

Being a normal human being, I'm sure all of you have been late before. Be it late for class, late for submissions, late for a movie and late for anything that you can think of.

I have been late myself. Throughout my adult life, I have been late for so many things. And all my lateness had good reasons behind them. Yes, everything happens for a reason, right?

Whenever I was late for something, I'd be rushing like mad. This is because I'm the type of person who would try the best to be on time no matter what. If not on time, it'd be earlier. Get what I mean?

If I was the one waiting, and the other person was late, well, I would always be the forgiving person. The reason is obvious....I've been late before, so, it's not wrong for another person to be late too. That person must have his/her own reasons for being late. We just have to compromise and tolerate here and there in order to make both parties happy. There's no point being angry just because someone was late. We should be understanding a little bit and the world would a better place.

Let me tell you a story. However, the story might not quite relate to what I just described above. Just a situation that I got to know from someone and I would like to share it with you. So, here goes:

X worked as a journalist at a leading newspaper agency. X was supposed to complete a task within a few months but no exact deadlines given. This meant that X had the time to do the task as perfect as possible. At the same time, X had other tasks to attend to. Being a journalist, X's schedule was hectic and X had to rush here and there for news. But that one special task never left X's mind.

During office hours, whenever X had the time, X would sit down and do it. After office hours, X would stay back at the office and concentrate on the task. X even took it back home sometimes. Because of the fact that the task was a bit difficult and needed X's expertise, there was no one else to assist X to complete it. So, days became weeks, weeks became months and it had been quite a few months already, and the task was still incomplete. Lucky for X as nobody queried about it except for X's colleague, Z.

All the while, Z had been quite a hassle because almost every other day, Z would ask the status of the task from X. Z just wouldn't understand the struggle that X had to go through in completing the task. X often had to remind Z that the task was not the only thing that X had to complete, there were so many others that X had to do as well. What was really annoying to X were the words that came out of Z's mouth, the comments that Z made and the expressions that Z displayed. Whenever Z talked about it, the words came out slashing through X's heart. Z even said that X was not suitable for the job and Z commented that Z was frustrated with X. X took it to heart. Everyday, X would try the best to avoid Z. But not much of a success because Z's work station was next to X at the office. Such situation prolonged until at last X managed to complete the task perfectly. X's boss was very pleased with the end result of the task and said to X, "If you want the very best out of something, you must be willing to wait no matter how long it takes. Believe me, the result will be worth the wait and you'd be grateful that you waited". X was extremely happy with everything and X decided to ignore Z forever.

The thing that attracted me to this was what the boss had said to X. I would be very happy myself if my boss said something like that to me everytime I had to submit my task. Hihihihi....

I couldn't agree more with X's boss. We must wait patiently if we want the very best to materialise in front of us. If you feel frustrated because the other party is late, don't press it, the other party feels even more frustrated than you because he/she is late for you. If we want something badly, we have to be willing to make sacrifices.

Life's like that, I supposed.


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