
Since I work from home, I have my own SOHO at home. My small office home office concept is just a little corner of the living room.

Let's look at the following conversation between my sons (Darwisy, 4, Daim, 3 and I):

Darwisy: Kenapa Mama pakai lipstick?
Mama: Eh, Mama nak pegi work la..
Daim: Ha? Work?
Mama: Yup, I'm going to my office to work...
Darwisy: Mama pakai lipstick nak pegi work? Kat mana?
Daim: Tuuuuuu....(pointing to my SOHO)
Mama: (speechless)


youramirah said…
so suweetttt...
klu xpakai lipstick xde mood la nk keje kan kak liza..kuiui.. ntah smpai bile lisptick tu nk abih..

betul sgt tuh....heheheh...tetap nak pakai lipstickk jugak wpun duduk kat umah aje...

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