I Am A Work-From-Home Mom

I've been neglecting my blog, yes, I know....

Those who know what I'm doing professionally or even personally would understand how busy I could be at times.

Well, to tell the truth, being a loving mother to three active heroes who are growing up too quickly, being an understanding wife to an extremely busy filmmaker, being an obedient daughter to wonderful parents, being this and being that....wow, just being me at this rate really takes up the full 24 hours a day to the max!!!

But, I'm not here to complain.

I'm writing diligently today to say that I'm truly blessed with a healthy body, a clear mind and a full source of energy, Alhamdulillah. Although I'm not working fulltime at the office anymore, I'm still working fulltime at home.

Yes, I'm not a housewife. I am a work-from-home mom.

On top of all the housechores that you could think of, I have my own professional work that I have to attend to at home too.

I do translations, editing and proofreading which have deadlines!!! I also do part-time lecturing at two universities. I also give piano lessons to some neighbours. I am also a producer of my hubby's production house. I am also in the online business. And the one which keeps me on my toes at the moment is that I am in the process of 'opening' something that I have been dreaming for so long...it's just a matter of a few more paperworks and a 'hardcore' willpower to make it a reality in a few months' time, InshaAllah...

I have to remind you that I'm not boasting or bragging here.

I just feel like sharing with you what I've been doing after I quit my wonderful fulltime office job five months ago. It's just that some people had been questioning and wondering how I occupy my time at home. There're also some people who had been thinking that I just shake my legs (duduk goyang kaki la tuh..hihi) at home and do nothing.

I told my mother the other day that I am ten times busier now compared to when I was a Division Manager last time. Yes, it's indeed true because at the office, I just sat down going through proposals, verifying staff leaves, claims, etc, sitting through endless meetings, thinking, brainstorming and discussing with staff, managing the division as a whole and not so much of having to rush here and there like what I'm going through right now.

My mother said that at least the things that I'm doing now are for my own family. I have more time for my children especially because I'm at home doing the work. And the most important thing is that I'm doing all these for myself and my family not for other people. That's the best thing!!!

Well, everybody has their own say about this kind of thing. I believe that we have to do what we think is worth doing and we have to know clearly what we want to achieve in life.

I've made my choice and I'm truly grateful.


Jogger said…
yo sis liza, it's me. x tau plak kak liza ada blog... i will reads all post starting from now. have fun & take care
hi there jogger,

i've been blogging since 2004 tau!!! masa tuh org tak tau lagi blog tu apa..heheh...but i'm too lazy to update frequently...

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