A & B

A & B were best of friends. They had been friends for as long as they could remember. They shared many things together. They had seen the best and the worst of one another. They both felt their ups and downs with each other. When A was feeling terribly down, B would cheer A up. When B was having a really hard time, A was there to calm B down.

Years passed by without noticed. A & B had become quite distant from each other. It could be due to the distance between them (they lived far away from each other after both got married) or it could simply be because of 'something that had happened' somewhere along the line when they were still communicating well with each other. Something that really broke A's heart and B was heart-broken too.

A was busy with work and B was struggling in business. Both had been thinking of each other all the time all this while. Although both were not keen to make the first move to say hello again, both were wishing that things would be fine soon. Was there still hope to mend the crack in such a beautiful and cherished friendship?

What do you think happens in the end? Care to share your thoughts?


mcm boleh agak je saper ni? but it's no harm for you to start. somebody has to do it and benda tu pun dah lama berlaku so i think tak jadi benda dahlah.

hihihihi....it's nothing to do with anyone lah, just a storyline that i'm thinking of making a script out of it and also maybe for my first ever novel....wish me luck...
jellynajal said…
times goes by, and suddenly rupanya anak mereka tu berchenta antara satu sama lain & anak mereka nak kawin, wah, cam cerita drama melayu lak tetibe,hihihihi

wah..menarik la idea awak tuh..
pQ said…
alah jallllllllllllllll.. aku pun pk benda yg sama. tapi cerekarama sgt lah... kalau saya lah kak liza..

husband si A ni rupanya kawan baik husband si B kat tempat keje. pastu husband si A ni ada HIV (cancer cam citer melayu sgt, so tukar HIV biar omputih) tapi dia tak bgtahu sesapa. pastu sebelum dia mati dia wasiatkan husband si B ni kawen dgn isteri dia. pastu masa si A ni tahu, dia cam ngamuk2 giler, pastu dia nak jumpa si B. pastu biler jumpa... rupanya si B.. terus dia setuju. husband si B pun hidup bahagia berpoligami. (insuran husband A tadi cam byk giler)

wah....tinggi jugak imagination awak ya...heheh...interesting indeed..

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