Sunday Encounters

Ever since Jom Heboh TV3 made its debut a few years ago, I didn't bother to go and have a visit at what the event had to offer. However, last Sunday, I made my first ever appearance at Jom Heboh TV3 at Bukit Jalil.

At first, I planned to go with my eldest in the morning but at the very last minute, my other half wanted to tag along. But we decided that it's best if we could drop by my parents' and 'tumpang' my other two little heroes there. Luckily, my parents were available and off we went.

The junction to Bukit Jalil National Stadium was jam-packed by the time we arrived. Anyhow, we managed to park the car at the parking lot nearby. The weather was not bad and it's not too hot. There were many canopies around with many goods on sale. I went to Lady's Choice canopy and bought a bag of goodies which consists of a big bottle of peanut butter, original mayonnaise, cubes of tomyam paste, cubes of chicken stocks and a piece of tupperware. Everything in with only RM10. Wow, that's cheap...

Then, we headed on to Mister Potato's canopy. I bought a bag of junk food and it's only RM10. By this time, it's getting hotter and the sun was fully out. We spent the rest of the next hour walking from one booth to another. We left at around 3pm as hubby needed to be at the Central Market at 4pm for a film screening.

The traffic was quite heavy and we managed to get to CM just a few minutes before 4pm. Hubby requested me to accompany him to the Annexe, CM for a while and I happily obliged. While waiting for the film screening, I wandered about the area and found out that there's an 'art-for-grabs' event going on. I was attracted to a booth which was selling baskets, bags and stuffs made of mazagine papers. These things are hand-made by single mothers all over Malaysia and to support them, I bought a small basket which cost me RM12. It's a nice pink basket cum bowl which was multifunctional. I really liked it.

Then it was time for the film screening. My hubby wanted me to join in but I declined since I had better things to do in mind. It's rare opportunity for me to be at CM and I wanted to make full use of it. Danish and I made our way to CM and we did some window shopping. Danish was busy chattering away and we had fun together. While looking at a batik shop, I saw a shop called 'Cute Fish Spa'. I've been wanting to try this thing ever since a good friend of mine, Ja, had one a few months ago. So, I checked it out and the place was too nice to be left alone. I quickly headed towards the counter and the cashier made me pay RM5 for 10 minutes. I chose a nice, cozy corner to sit and I took off my red Scholl shoes. The seat was made of plywood (I think) and it's so comfortable just sitting on it.

At first, I just looked at the water and the fish running about aimlessly. There were small stones inside and the deco was nice. It took me quite a while to put my feet into the water since some of the visitors were shrieking and 'jerit2 kegelian'. Slowly, I braved myself and dipped my feet into the cold water. I clearly saw many, many fishes hurriedly made their way to my feet. Danish was screaming like anything just looking at how the fish attacked my feet...Hahaha, true's very, very ticklish....but it's only for a while. It got better and so relaxing after a minute...

I noticed that there were many fishes around the ankle of my both feet and also at the corner of my left toes....I guessed that's where the cracked skins were and I was pretty sure that those fishes had a feast on my feet..hahaha...

When the ten minutes' up, the assistant gave me a small towel to wipe off the excess of water from my feet and I got to bring back the towel. I asked Danish whether he wanted to try it out and he gave out a scream....alright, it's a 'no' then....

After that, we decided to go back and I called hubby telling him that we wanted to go home and suggested that he took the lrt once he's done. He agreed. And off we went straight ahead to my parents' place and spent the rest of the day with my other two little ones while waiting for hubby to call us to pick him up at the lrt station. It's already a quarter past nine.

My feet were smoother now after the cute fish spa encounter. I would definitely do it again this weekend but for a longer time limit of course....


hazel said…
Hi Dikny...good 2 know that u & Ajin r better now! I'm quite interested in the fish spa, saw it on tv but never got the chance to actually go and try it out...I'm a very ticklish person, when I was reading your entry...I could almost feel the fishes on my feet! What an imagination kan? Anyway, glad u had fun...

Fish spa the trend's really ticklish and knowing you, I'm sure you'll scream and laugh at the same time while the fishes are having their feast smooching on your feet....hahahahhaa
hazel said…
I'm sure I will... tapi mesti nak cuba gak! Besides CM, dkt maner lg ader?

I've seen the fish spa at few other places like Carrefour, The Mall and the likes. Perhaps when you are here in KL, we could do it together and gossip at the same time....leave the children with their dads...what say you? hihihi
hazel said…
That's a GREAT idea!!! Aida can be with her 'nenek' and Afwan can spend 'just boys' time with his Daddy... And Mummy can be with her best friend & gossip!!!
Nic said…
Hi dikny-it's been a while since i last dropped by.. i see that you're doing fine (congrats Danish!)
I've been wanting to give that fish spa a try but something about it makes me feel weird...??!!
But my daughter has been bugging me for a while now and so one of these days I think I might..hehe
Take care..

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