
For the past three days I was suffering from a bad pain somewhere in between my cervix and bikini line. Whenever I walked, the pain throbbed and at times, I had to topple while walking.

At the office yesterday morning, the pain was getting worse, and I decided to go and see my gynae. I took the time off from office and I thought since the doctor was an extremely busy gynae, it's better if I gave the clinic a call first.

When I called, the nurse mentioned that there were way too many patients waiting and she couldn't slot me in. Alright then, I guess I'd have to make do with another doctor who was not a specialist at a different clinic. My hubby waited for me and we went to the clinic together.

I described my pain to her and she asked me to lie down for an ultrasound scanning. She kept on pressing the device on my over-bloated tummy (after 3 kids, what do you expect? hihi) trying to locate if there's anything weird inside...

She was trying hard to see and I was trying hard to sustain the's painful....and suddenly she found something weird in my cervix and I could also notice it over the small ultrasound monitor...

It's a cyst!!!! of about 4.6cm long and it's growing. According to the doctor, there's nothing much to do because it's too small to be taken out. There'd been cases where the cyst would go away on its own. Ok, I supposed I'd have to wait then. The doctor told me to come back and see her in six months' time. But, I was not going to do that, of course.....I'd have to set an appointment as soon as possible with my gynae whom I trust so much when it comes to such matters.

The pain seemed less now once I consumed the painkiller provided by the doctor. But I was not going to depend much on painkillers and hopefully the cyst and the pain would disappear as fast as they appeared.

As for now, there's nothing much to do until my appointment with my gynae. There's no point being sad or panic...anyway, it's not my first time having such problem. I had a fybroid four years ago after my second miscarriage but it disappeared within three months. My gynae was the one who gave me the treatment for it. And I just hope that this time, it'd be the same simple case...


Anonymous said…
oh dkny,
sorry to hear bout that and i wish you well - shahid
jabishah said…

Hope everything will go well. InsyaAllah there is nothing to worry. And please cheer up darling. Your loneliness wont be forever. I'm sure he is occupied with some big projects & you as his other half has to be the woman behind his success... Now gimme that smile ;-)

Happy Belated Birthday !
Tq for the support...i'm going to go for a second opinion on the cyst soon..
Tq for the support but sometimes things seem to get a little out of hand...
U tau la kan, with my job, the kids, the housechores, etc,etc...i guess i need him to carry the burden more at times and his attention too....
To make things worse, he forgot my birthday...and i was really pissed off because he was not even with me at that time, he was nowhere in sight.....mcmana la i tak bengang..

Anyway, I guess I just have to swallow everything on my own if I want things to get better....

Thanks again for the birthday wish, read it in fb earlier...
Anonymous said…
not taking sides, but in a way as what you write about him...
i'm sure he not an expresionist and i'm sure he would like to make the whole world know how deep and mad his loves to you are, but that's not him i guess...
and i don'think he has forgot about he's only love in the world birth date...
by now, i think he's back to himself right?

Happy Belated Birthday.

PS: such adorable kids you got. he must be handsome.
Nita said…
hi there. u pernah ada fibroid? and the treatment your gynae gave was removing it wothout op? that's interesting. i ada fibroid now. i dpt tahu only after conceiving my first, six years ago. its still in me. around 12cm. mmg besar. but i survived two pregnancies. the only way to remove it, is thru op. i wld like to know the treatment given to u by your gynae, if u dont mind sharing. thanks so much.
p.s : i'm a fren of hazel..:)

Yeah, i guess u r right, he's not the expressive type and i'm totally the opposite...

Well, things are much better now and i'm more patient with things...just got to..hihihi

tx for the wish....

PS: i'll have to admit that my kids are adorable and he is too..hahaha...

hi, u actually survived 2 pregs with a fibroid, alhamdullillah...

well, i tak tau la mcmana gynae i buat tapi last time, mmg fibroid tu hilang cenggitu jer, dia bagi 'duphaston' rasanyer....but yg kali ni, i tak gi check lagi, blom sempat...nanti bila i dah gi check, i'll update u ya...

take care...

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