
I was relieved after being extremely hectic for this past week.

3 assignments were due plus a presentation plus double tests ...phew...indeed they took the time and air out of me until I was breathless.

But, hey, that's the joy of being a student, a Masters one, I might add, full of ups and downs and getting on the nerves, which are waaayyyyssss different from being an undergraduate student, oh yes, I can assure you of that.

To quote one of my professors, "This is a Masters level, you people can't be doing things and thinking like an undergraduate. Your responsibility is much more are not only responsible towards also have a role to serve the society as well..."

Well, so much of being a Masters student, huh..

Anyway, the euphoria of finally managing to complete and submit all the time-consuming assignments does not linger for too long....

Yup, the FINALS are just around the corner!!!!
Another avalance on the way?????


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