Interesting Encounter

Hi there,

I love blog-hopping. There are a few blogs which I would always read once I've logged on to my computer.

Last night when I was busy with my blog-hopping activity, I came across a blog of someone familiar. This person was familiar because I thought I met her at a book carnival recently.

When I approached her booth, with a friendly smile, she greeted me. I was looking for this particular book actually, but realised that it was not sold there. This friendly exhibitor suggested that I should try and look at other booths for the book. She also recommended a new book to me. She said that it's worth it and I would not regret buying the book. Guess what? I actually went straight to the booth and grabbed the book that she mentioned.

Oh yes! While browsing through the shelves at the booth for interesting bargains, I saw at the corner of my eye that she took a picture of my children with their balloons and all. Hahaha...ada jugak yg berminat kat anak2 i tu ya..

And last night, I left a comment at her blog asking if she's the exhibitor who entertained my family and I. Yup! She replied my comment and said that she was looking at the photos taken during the carnival and was thinking about publishing my children's photo in her blog plus a caption. That said it all. She was the one, no doubt.

To Kak Azie, terima kasih kerana mencadangkan buku melur jelita tu, tgh tunggu free time utk baca ni...


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