Sneeze, Anybody?

What's your favourite food?

Mine's definitely 'sambal tumis'.

I remember when I was about 9 years old, I had nine (9) rounds of rice with sambal tumis ikan bilis. I just loved it!

Now, if I'm out of ideas on what to cook, sambal tumis is the first dish that would come to mind. My recipe for sambal tumis is very easy, it takes less than 10 minutes to prepare and cook.

Blended dried chillies, sliced red onions, tamarind juice, anchovies, salt and sugar to taste.

Heat up some cooking oil, fry the anchovies till golden and crispy, put aside.
Using the same oil, fry the blended dried chillies till someone in the house sneezes. It shows that the chillies are well-cooked.
Put in salt and sugar.
Throw in sliced red onions.
Pour some tamarind juice.
Let it simmer.
Mix in the fried anchovies.
Stir them together and voila! Ready to be eaten with hot plain rice.

Burrppp........It's really worth the sneezing!!!


You are really a great cook, even a simple dish you can easily turn it to be tasty,i guess it's all in the air tangan as for me i need lotsa work to make mine a tasty dish, this is due to lack of practice. hahaha... i remember your very famous ikan masak oyster with cili padi. yummay!

ada lagi yg terror dari i la, but, tq for the compliment, hihihi...

my ikan oyster tu mmg a hit with my children ni, they all kuat pedas..

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