I'm Back!!!

Yes, yes, I know I've been missing from the blogging world for such a looooonnnggg time.....well, it was due to the usual typical reason - busy as a bee....

What makes me get back my blogging mojo?
Answer: people!!!!!

I have been running an academy and a management office for eight months now. I can proudly say that they are exclusively mine and I have my every blood, heart and soul in them. And not to forget, my money too!!!!! Whatever I have saved up, whatever I have in-hand and whatever I have in trusts have been invested in the business.

You are not wrong if you say I have become poor now because of the business. BUT, do you realise that because of the business too I will become one of the richest ladies in not-so-many years to come? (Aminn.....InsyaAllah) AND when that happens, don't tell me that you wouldn't be one of the many people who would come running for my help? (ok, obviously this is a personal luahan hati ku to particular individuals).

Well, it frustrates me a lot when people do not understand and would never want to try to understand what I'm doing.

"Keje la fulltime, nanti ada pencen...."

What? If buat bisnes, mmg la takder pencen but you'll have endless money coming in until you die!!! Tak abis makan sampai anak cucu cicit semua....tak payah anak-anak I susah-susahkan diri carik keje coz ada company sendiri.....insyaAllah....

Doing my own business might look bad to some people agaknya.....ye la, I still drive a 'deer' yg dah berkarat and calar-balar sana sini, but hey, I'm taking one step at a time ok? I do not want to be greedy and boastful with a luxurious car when my business is just about to flow, it's just too soon....but, don't be surprised when in few months' time I'll be driving an Audi TT and living in Gaia, Sering Ukay.....(Aminn, insyaAllah...)


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