Sixth Day of Ramadhan

Last night my hubby said that I had still not cooked for him Lontong ever since he mentioned about it few months ago...yes, you read that correctly....few months ago...

So, I decided to cook Lontong for the sixth day of Ramadhan.

Luckily I had all the ingredients in the fridge, therefore, I did not have to waste much time looking for things to accommodate the recipe. I started off with making Nasi Impit in the afternoon. Then, I prepared the 'rempah' for the gravy and thawed the coconut milk.

At the same time, I prepared another of my first attempts in making kuih which was Kuih Lopes, also a request from dear hubby.

After all the 'rempah' were ready, I started cooking the Lontong complete with its condiments like Sambal Tumis and Serunding Kelapa.

When Lontong was safely put aside, I made Kuih Lopes slowly and steadily because there was still so much time to spare before the time to break fast. Since I managed to make quite a few pieces of Kuih Lopes, I asked Danish to send some to our neighbours. Knowing Danish, he was ever so willingly to go out and enjoy meeting the neighbours around.'s indeed easy when you have someone to play despatch as the need arises...

Remember I told you about us haven't bought anything from the Bazaar so far? Well, I guess it didn't last long because when my hubby came back from work today, he had about five bags of food and drinks bought from the Bazaar. Oh my! He bought mango drinks, sardine puffs, nasi lemak and taufufah....He knew that I cooked his favourite food and kuih for buka puasa today but still he went on and bought everything that his heart desired. But it's okay because we're big eaters and we could always finish the food in no time at all!


Dikny, terrerlah u. I dah masuk hari ke 6 ni dah buntu dah tak tau nak masak apa.

Yelah sebab my cooking skill and recipe pretty limited sikit so I've used all the kebolehan yang ada so cukup utk seminggu jelah my talent tu.

I mmg always takder idea nak masak apa tapi my kids yg selalu contribute ideas...hihihi..

It's ok, kalau ibu dah masak, everything would turn out just fine, sedap dan berkhasiat...keep it up!!! u can always repeat yg seminggu tu, no worries...heheh

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