Fourth Day of Ramadhan

Today is the fourth day of Ramadhan.

For break fast, I cooked Sambal Cencaru and Goreng Kobis+Carrot+Tomato. For dessert I made Ondeh-Ondeh or also known as Kuih Buah Melaka or in my hometown, Kuih Kolopong. Danish and I made Fresh Orange Juice where we used four oranges, a spoonful of sugar and three cups of cold water, blended everything in the mixer and it's ready to be consumed by Danish...heheh

After eating, Danish had his other portion of 'Lengkong' and he finished it in just a few seconds. You really fancy such simple 'Lengkong', huh, Danish? It's ok, Mama would make more next week for you...


Mummy Ryan said…
Kak Liza just to wish you & family "Selamat Berpuasa"...:)
Mummy Ryan,

Tq...have a good time at home, ok...

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