Danish in Tom Tom Bak

Wow, it has been quite some time since I last wrote....sampai ada yang komplen blog ni tak update...hihihihi....

There are so many reasons as to why I haven't been updating this precious blog of mine...
One of it is that my notebook went kaput....all my documents have gone with the wind, important documents, photos and even documents which are a matter of life and death have also disappeared.....sob..sob...If I need to surf the net, facebooking or blogging, I'll have to use my hubby's notebook now and frankly, I don't get that much opportunity..heheh...so, that's one concrete reason for not updating this blog so much...

Alright, I would like to remind my readers out there to watch Tom Tom Bak on Astro Ceria every Sunday starting from this Sunday - 31 May 2009 at 12 pm.....As I have mentioned before, Danish is one of the talents for Jom Borak segment with Aznil in this programme. However, I do not know which episode would Danish be in, so we'll have to watch every Sunday...

Last few weeks Danish went for an audition of Astro Ceria 'Geng Bas Sekolah' and I think he didn't make it coz they told us that the shooting would be done during the school holidays and today is already the last day of school for the term. If he had made it, we would have known it by now, right? So, Danish was quite sad about it but I told him that there might be other offers later for him...

The other day someone from a local production called and asked if Danish could attend a casting session with them. But, we were outstation at that time and Danish missed the opportunity then...takder rezeki agaknyer....it's ok, I'm sure there'd always be a next time for him, inshaAllah...

When I mentioned outstation just now, actually, we were in JB...we had to go back to JB at the middle of the week because my brother in law's wife passed away due to cancer. It was sad looking at her five children especially her youngest who is only 3 years old. I guess, this is what we called 'modern disease'....it took her only about a year for the cancer to spread all over her being and this kind of disease definitely does not have any mercy....and we have to remind ourselves to really watch what we eat, how we lead our lives and our lifestyles in general....I pray that her children would be strong and study hard so that they could make their late mother proud of them eventhough she's no longer around...Al-Fatihah...

To my dear readers, appreciate what you have in front of you, be it your family or your loved ones because I believe that we could never tell and know until when can we stay and be together and love each other.....spend as much time as possible with them and just pray that Allah panjangkan umur kita semua, inshaAllah...


jellynajal said…
at last..ada gak entry from you kak liza, hehehe. anyway, how's your laptop ek? ni guna laptop abg ajin ke?

yup...at last...
a'ah, ni guna laptop abg ajin, laptop ku masih blom selesai kes nyer...
Nita said…
dear liza,

i agree with you when u said that we have to appreciate what is in front of us now, before it is too late. i ni selalu je mcm tak syukur what i have now ie my own family. selalu complain that i have no life. bla bla bla.

only recently i realised that i have to byk2 bersyukur and be happy with who i am with and the life i am leading now. sebab Allah boleh ambik kita bila2 masa je. bila dah takde, baru nak fikir tentang org tu (referring to my life).

sorry, liza. i ter panjang pulak this time. hehe. got carried away.

i will rember to watch out for danish in tom tom bak. :)

p.s. : alfatihah buat arwah and hope u'll get your notebook soon.

jabishah said…
Alaaa I ni malas lah tgk tom tom bak tu. Text me if Danish is on k? Mesti cute nye. BTW, were you in Bkt Merah recently? My friend who is also your blog reader saw you there. My.... ur a celebrity! ;-D

sapa your friend tu? heheheh.....celebrity, celebritot....hahahahahhaaaaa......

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