It's Reading Time

A good friend of mine recommended the Shopaholics series to me. To tell the truth, it's been like years since I actually indulged myself in reading a good book. Light reading seems more applicable and practical nowadays. I always feel that if I were to start reading, then, I'll neglect and abandon my shallow....

But, today, I'm going to get the books, the whole lot, and force myself to start reading and enjoying every part of it.....

You know what, there are 2 Harry Potter books (Half-Blood Prince which I bought in 2005 and Deathly Hollow which I bought last year) waiting for me at home plus a brand new book by Judith McNaught (my favourite author, I have the whole collection) which I bought before I boarded the flight to LA two months ago and still untouched....

Have to catch up on my readings no matter what.....


Shera said…
Good luck with your reading adventure. I really hope u'll enjoy Shopaholic as much as I did. I'm now on Jodi Picoult - Plain Truth. Still at page 76 after 2 days of reading. Nak mark exam papers lagi, housechores, bla bla bla.....Tensiooonnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!

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