Broken English Disease

This morning I came across an article in the Star online in Mind Your English column. This column is one of my favourites because as you all know, I'm a language person and analysing language is one of my expertise, heh, heh...

Ok, back to the article.....the writer mentioned about how a lecturer in a local institute practically trying to kill the beauty of English language (pardon me for my word choice but the word 'kill' is how I would describe such situation, sigh....). That particular lecturer somehow might think that the way he/she speaks English is correct and acceptable. But, no, no, far as the world is concerned, that lecturer is suffering from a serious disease called 'Broken English Disease' (the term derived from the writer himself). I couldn't agree more with the writer. It is indeed a disease and just pray that it would not get contagious...

You might wonder what was it that the lecturer had done that he/she was being treated this way. Well, let me just pointed out a few examples mentioned by the writer....
'that's mean' which is supposed to be 'that means', 'corrective' which is supposed to be 'collective', and the lecturer put 's' at all the wrong places.....phew, if he/she is not a lecturer, he/she could be forgiven but the lecturer is a Master holder and a professional is his/her field.....

Well, English is still considered as a second language in Malaysia but it has become a critical element that must be mastered by anybody who wants to be accepted globally and to be on par with everybody else around the world....

Practice makes perfect. In order to speak well, you have no choice but to practise the language as much as possible and trust me, in doing so you will be able to master it in no time......Good luck...


test said…
ok, thought it;s broken english day....

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