Back On Track

Well, hello there!

It's been years since my last entry. Lost my blogging mojo somewhere....

Many had happened in my life....personally, professionally, spiritually, emotionally, mentally...gosh, the list is endless!

When I first started blogging, I only had a son...

And now, after 13 years of having a blog, I already have five kids! Four boys and a girl

I always, always have my hands full...all the time...what with work, kids, house chores, etc etc.

Ok, enough complaining...

Few weeks back, a dear friend asked me how do I define 'being successful', when do I consider myself as being successful?

I simply answered: "When I have obtained a doctorate degree, then I would consider myself as being successful".

But now, as I'm thinking further about it, my answer would be: "I would only consider myself as being successful when my children have become successful themselves".

I have to admit that as I am getting older and wiser (ehem!..), my children are always my priority and they will always come first in my list, no matter what. So, it's only logical that when they are successful, then it is a success for me. It may seem like a long way to go but trust me, in matters concerning the children, time flies indeed.

I pray that things will go the way that my children want them to be with less frustrations, less struggles, more happiness, more smiles....

I know that I will be their backbones throughout their lives...I will do my best to be the ideal mother although I nag at every teeny-weeny issues. See?...I am the ideal mother already, haha..


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