Speechless again

I'm expecting!

I've removed my implanon last November and thought of inserting a new one. However, my dear gynae asked me to try for a girl one last time and my hubby agreed to it.

And now, after two months, I'm pregnant. Alhamdulillah, it shows that I'm normal and healthy. I'm truly grateful with this gift and rezeki.

Actually, what I'm planning to write is about my youngest son, Daim. Below is the conversation that took place about two days ago.

He was running towards the door, wanting to follow his brothers outside to play.

Mama: Daim, where are you going?
Daim: Nak pegi main la.
Mama: Abis, sapa nak teman Mama kat dalam rumah?
Daim: Ala, baby kan ada...
Mama: (speechless)


ZR said…
congrats liza....

tq...dah no. 4 ko.....heheh...
oh wow oh wow oh wow

This is a wonderful news, congrats dear!

oh wow oh wow oh wow...heheheheh....
ok ker 4? it's quite tiring this time around...
If you ask me 5 is the best number. ahak ahak. Mmg makin umur meningkat, makin penat. So take good care of yourself ok?
Nic said…
Bet your sons are ready for a new sibling.. hehe.. take care, it'll be tougher this time around but you just hang in there!
bib said…
Congrats Liza!

insyaAllah, i'm gonna stop at 4....hihihi

The boys are ecstatic....but they want another boy la...when i asked Danish, he said he didn't want girl coz girl gedik....heheh...ada ka patut? tak baik kan?...

it's tiring indeed but i'm gonna hang tight in there....tx ila....

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