14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th Days of Ramadhan

14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th Days of Ramadhan updates:

14th Day of Ramadhan:
Sorry as I couldn't remember what I cooked on that day. So much for not updating obligingly.

15th Day of Ramadhan:
I cooked at my parents' place as a cousin of mine was coming over and my dear nephew was also around. My mom requested that I cooked Ayam Masak Merah, Ikan Sos Tiram, Masak Cili Api Ikan Tenggiri and Sup Sayur.

16th Day of Ramadhan:
I cooked at my parents' place again. The dishes were Masak Tempoyak Pucuk Ubi and Sambal Tumis Ikan Bilis.

17th Day of Ramadhan:
I cooked Sambal Tumis Ikan Bilis again and also Fried Fish.

18th Day of Ramadhan:
My mom was cooking because I was tired after accompanying Danish to a casting session at Luncai Emas Sdn Bhd which is owned by Sifu M.Nasir. Too bad we couldn't meet him but we managed to hear his voice loud and clear from his office.
My mom cooked a dish which she watched from a cooking show in the morning. The dish was called Ayam Kicap Ala-Ala and Sup Sayur.

19th Day of Ramadhan:
I cooked Daging Masak Kicap, Sambal Tempoyak Ikan Bilis and Fried Tempe. I also made a local delicacy called Puteri Mandi but since I put a drop of red colouring which made the dough become pinkish, I called my kuih as Puteri Mandi Pretty In Pink...heheh..


jellynajal said…
kan best kalau ada gambar food semua tu

tu la pasal, actually dah ramai yg tanya kenapa la blog ni takder gambar....k liza takder camera la, camera abg ajin tu gedabak, malas k liza nak operate....

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