My Graduate Son

Dear Readers,
Sorry for the long silence.....too many things to look after and manage, just happened, I guess. There are so many stories and issues that I want to share here in my precious blog and I'll update one by one when the time permits.

Well, my eldest son, Danish Muqri graduated from Q-Dees on 1st November 2008. All of us (including his grandparents) went to the concert cum graduation ceremony of his kindy. His performance was a traditional zapin dance - Cindai, a song by Dato' Siti Nurhaliza. He's been practising for about two months or so at school plus at home too. I was his unofficial choreographer at home and he was a fast learner I might say.

On the day of the concert, we sent him to school and there were 3 buses waiting for the kids. We left him there and headed on to the hall. The auditorium was about 20 minutes away. When we arrived there, I saw my parents sitting at a corner waiting anxiously for their grandchildren. About half an hour later, the concert began. The children were amazing and definitely talented. I just love school concerts especially this one, well, for the very obvious reason, hihihi...

According to the programme book, Danish's performance would be the second last. So, we watched attentively to the other performances. As his performance was getting closer, I felt a sudden jolt in my chest and tears started to form in my eyes, threatening to pour down my chubby cheek. I quickly brushed off the feeling and made myself busy by chitchatting with my mom.

Then, finally, it's Danish's turn. When the emcee mentioned his class name, I was nervous like anything and my eyes were trying to search for my little boy. Ha, there he was, standing at the middle line but at far end. He looked happy and confidently gracing away with his steps.....not bad at all. Without realising it, tears poured down my cheeks and it was really difficult to describe my feelings at that time. My chest felt heavy.....could it be because I felt proud of him or just simply that I happened to realise that he's grown up already? The feelings were indeed indescribable.

I experienced the same kind of feeling during his first day mengaji (Quranic classes), his first day at kindy and now this one. Would I have to go through the same feeling throughout all Danish's first encounters in the future? If that's the case, I'd better be prepared since he's going to enrol into primary one in less than two months.....

To Danish Muqri, Mama is so proud of you.....I promise that I'll spend more time with you and your little brothers so that all of you would make me proud all the time. No money or anything for that matter could replace my love for you and I'll make my whole being - physically, emotionally, mentally - available for you whenever you need me......

My Graduate Son


hazel said…
I almost cried myself reading this..I can understand how you feel. I would be going through this in a few years time, seeing Afwan graduating from kindy and all...I think the first child is always special because he gives us the first experience of everything...
We are so lucky to have kids, Dikny. Some of our firends are still childless or even worse, still single! Kesian kan...we'll turn 25...oooppps, 35 next year kan? I always pray for our friends to get 'jodoh'...

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