Crash, boom, bang

What could be worse than having to face the fact that everything goes wrong while hubby is not around. The thing i needed most is out of order.....crash, boom, bang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My PC does not cooperate much with me and there it goes.....not alive am I supposed to survive without google and ym? The computer has always been my source of inspiration, a place for me to pour my heart out and a tool to lean on when I'm stucked!!!!!

It's time to get a new notebook, I guess......


test said…
salam, hi sayang, lamanya x apdet blog ni, tahun lps 2 pos je. hehehehe sianny sayang xde pc kat umah eh...sayang xyah beli arr...sayang guna notebook i ni eh...pastu nanti i beli macbook pro utk i guna...ok dak...
jabishah said…
Well... let me guess. Seniman Jalanan ni org kat LA tu kan? Cpt2 lah blk bang oiii... ;D

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