
Showing posts from 2010


I'm already in my 16 weeks of pregnancy. Appetite is not so good. Can't eat rice now. I could eat anything for the past 15 weeks. Tummy is not so bumpy. Body does not get any heavier. Such a different experience this time around.


My first delivery was LSCS which means emergency ceasarian due to foetal distress. It was still early but Danish Muqri seemed too excited to come out and he weighed 3.9kg at that time. Imagine if it was on the exact due date itself!!! How big would he be? My second delivery was with the help of an instrument, a vacuum delivery. Umarizz Darwisy's face was facing down which made it difficult for him to pass through the mysterious canal. With the help of the instrument, he made it at last and he was 3.56kg. My third delivery was a totally normal vaginal delivery without any help from any medication or instrument. Muammar Daim was indeed tolerable and not much of a hassle. It was an easy one. He was 3.32kg. My fourth one? Hmmm....yet to be discovered. I'm hoping for a normal delivery this time. To me, after experiencing all types of deliveries, I still think a normal one is very satisfying. You can feel the hardwork, the difficulties, the messy hormones, etc. that you have gone thr...

It's All I'm Asking For

I'm very sorry if it looks like I've been limiting my frequent visits. I have a very concrete reason for not calling as frequently as before. I'm doing this for my own peace of mind.... It's okay if nobody understands my intention. I know what's best for me to do at the moment. Just respect my space in this situation, that's all I'm asking for. Everything will go back to normal asap, I promise...

Speechless again

I'm expecting! I've removed my implanon last November and thought of inserting a new one. However, my dear gynae asked me to try for a girl one last time and my hubby agreed to it. And now, after two months, I'm pregnant. Alhamdulillah, it shows that I'm normal and healthy. I'm truly grateful with this gift and rezeki. Actually, what I'm planning to write is about my youngest son, Daim. Below is the conversation that took place about two days ago. He was running towards the door, wanting to follow his brothers outside to play. Mama: Daim, where are you going? Daim: Nak pegi main la. Mama: Abis, sapa nak teman Mama kat dalam rumah? Daim: Ala, baby kan ada... Mama: (speechless)

Ketika Cinta Bertasbih

I Want To.....

I want to: - read and read and read - spend more time baking - finish writing my long-awaited novel - compose a song for Akim - learn how to make cupcakes - start my own tuition centre - expand my business - drive more carefully - spend more time with my parents - spend time reminiscing with old friends - stay at home more - have a store like Chef At Home - cook like Chef At Home - have my own cooking show - write a cookbook - further my studies - have BBQ every weekend - declutter my clothes - be closer to the Almighty

My 2009

It might sound too late to do this but I just feel like doing it. After almost one month moving into 2010, I suddenly had the images of things that I liked, enjoyed, hated, etc in 2009. The list is endless indeed but these are among the things that I wish to share with you. Favourite English movie: Transformers - Revenge of The Fallen Favourite Malay movie: Talentime Favourite English song: This I Love (Guns N Roses) Favourite Malay song: Dan Sebenarnya (Yuna) Favourite singer: Akim (hahahaha....yeah, go ahead and laugh...) Favourite TV drama: Nur Kasih Favourite animation: Upin Ipin Favourite book: Shopaholic series Favourite magazine: Wanita - March 2009 Favourite hangout: JJ AU2 Favourite day: The first day of being a homemaker (16/02/09) Favourite moment: Getting a huge cheque in June Favourite event: Gerak Usahawan at PWTC Favourite product: One Drop Perfume Favourite gadget: MacBook Pro Favourite quote: Money is not everything but everything needs money (my own) Things that I did...